Marseille Street Art Show

Non classé
Dale Grimshaw in a giant scale.

Dale Grimshaw in a giant scale.

The Marseille Street Art Show 2016 happens from mai 19th to Agust 30th at the Galerie Saint-Laurent in the site of the city’s “Marché aux Puces”.  For this year’s edition curator Stéphane de Calmels has gathered 12 artists with multiple approches to street art from around the world. Featured artists are:  Alexandre d’Alessio, Bustart, Dale Grimshaw, Diamond, Joachim Romain, Inti, Lapinthur, Nhobi, Olivia de Bona, Pokras Lampas, RNST, Théo Lopez and Suriani.


Suriani's mural.

Suriani’s mural.

Since the first edition, invited artists habe been creating monumental murals in the “Marché aux Puces” site. The place has become a reference for street art in Marseille.

Nhobi's new mural.

Nhobi’s new mural.

Diamond's mural.

Diamond’s mural.

Suriani's indoor pieces.

Suriani’s indoor pieces.

Besides the mural paintings, the artists have invested the interior spaces of the gallery where they expose their indoor creations. Multiple techniques and supports can be seen throughout the curator’s selection of works.

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